Daniel Wiener

jellyfisheyespurt, 2006 watercolor, ink, pencil and gouache on paper 22 x 33 inches

ochrelumppile, 2006 watercolor, ink, pencil and gouache on paper 22 x 30 inches

My work reflects the visceral and kinesthetic aspects of our emotional lives. Creating an invented world, rather than mirroring a concrete, real world, means that my work cannot use preconceived notions. It must arise from small, often unnoticed, day-to-day decisions in the studio - how does this large shape sit with this small one, should the material speak for itself, should I impose my will on it, fine-tuning fortunate accidents with conscious decision? I consider my works on paper to be imaginary sculptures, what I would create if gravity was not in the equation. Process and content are close companions in my work, both meandering and turning back on themselves, like arabesques, almost never using the shortest distance between two points.

Daniel Weiner has taught sculpture at New York University, Bennington, Parsons and Tyler. Outside of teaching he has worked as a cabinet-maker, woodworker, and wood-finisher; recreating 19th-century furniture and restoring interiors. He currently works in web design.